Who We Are
BLESS USA was established in 1989 as a nonprofit charity organization that extends monetary aid and support from the United States to disadvantaged Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt. All contributions collected are sent to BLESS Egypt, our overseas office located in Cairo, Egypt.
BLESS – the Bishopric of Public Ecumenical and Social Services – distributes these funds among seven programs. These programs include: Support for Families, Healthcare Program, Education Assistance, Marriage Expense Assistance, Sudan and Emergency Aid, Housing and Infrastructure, and Income Generating Projects.
BLESS USA is devoted entirely to humanitarian activities. BLESS USA does not fund programs of Church infrastructure, mission, or seminary support.
BLESS USA is a registered tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity organization under the Internal Revenue Code. At the end of each fiscal year (January through December), each contributor receives their contribution summary.
The Board of Directors governs the policies and operations of BLESS USA and oversees the direction of the organization. It is chaired by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope and Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
BLESS USA operates under the guidance of His Grace Bishop Yolios in Egypt and His Grace Bishop Gabriel in the United States.
From its headquarters at the Archdiocese of North America in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, it is managed by a volunteer staff that exists to identify needs, develop plans, manage operations and provide accountability.
About the Coptic Orthodox Church
The Coptic Orthodox Church is an Apostolic, biblical and sacramental Christian church. The word Coptic is derived from the Greek word meaning Egyptian. The Coptic Church is one of the most ancient churches in the world, having been founded in the first century by St. Mark the Apostle, the writer of the second Gospel. Throughout the years, the Coptic Orthodox Church has stood firm and remained faithful to the Lord through Her Apostolic traditions and Orthodox faith. She is noted for Her profound spirituality and many contributions to the Christian faith, including the Theological School of Alexandria, Monasticism and Martyrdom, as well as Her pivotal role in the Ecumenical Councils. Today, there are thousands of Coptic churches throughout the world, in Egypt, the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Africa and Australia. The Coptic Orthodox Church is also the largest church in the Middle East and Africa. She continues Her Orthodox heritage under the leadership and care of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, 118th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark.