Beyond measure.
Who We Are
BLESS USA is a service rooted in the scriptural teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our compassionate Lord greatly loves all people, and showed us through His life that loving others means attending to their needs, both spiritual and physical. Our Lord comforted people, nourished them spiritually, fed them, healed their sicknesses and treated sinners kindly. He also taught us to show love to those in need, and gave them the honor of being called His brethren. Our Lord considered a charitable act of love done towards one of His needy brethren as one done directly towards Him (cf. Matthew 25:35-36,40). It is through serving the Brethren of the Lord that BLESS USA seeks to respond to Christ’s call to love and to serve.
Our Goals
Instill and propagate the principles of love, unity, and service in our endeavors to serve the needy Coptic community.
Raise awareness in the United States about the challenging circumstances faced by impoverished Copts in Egypt, fostering understanding and compassion among the broader community.
Foster a strong and supportive community within the United States that actively engages with and supports the charitable services and programs provided by BLESS Egypt.